Transport services
Transport services
Your shipment needs to get from A to B. And it needs to get there safely, quickly and, most importantly, without sustaining any damage. We have been taking care of small and large shipments to destinations inside and outside the Netherlands for 20 years, and dedicated (international) shipments are our speciality. Your shipment will be transported to the recipient safely and securely. Besides ensuring smooth transport, we also take care of any customs clearances required for international shipments. All you have to do is register your shipment online on the IWS web portal and we will do the rest.
Critical shipments
Do you have a critical shipment that needs to be transported quickly to a domestic or international destination? We are always happy to take on a challenge and our highly committed team will immediately start looking for an appropriate solution for you. We are there for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You may think it’s impossible, but we can make it work!
- Groupage services throughout Europe
- Dedicated shipments – domestic and international